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How to Spot Y-Wing in Sudoku: A Step-by-Step Guide for Solvers

With a history tracing back to the 1700s, Sudoku is one of the most popular logic-based puzzles globally, played both online and in-person. It is estimated that millions of people worldwide play sudoku every single day.

If you have never played before, don’t worry. The rules are very easy to follow and get to grips with. In order to succeed, the player must determine which number, from 1 to 9, fits in each 3x3 block, row or column without any duplicates appearing. You may find it easier to play online when starting out, as you can quickly and easily adjust the difficulty settings before starting your game.

While this always requires a great deal of focus, there are certain techniques that you can use to your advantage when solving a Sudoku puzzle, such as the Y-Wing.

Why should I try out advanced strategies when playing Sudoku?

Many Suduk players attempt to solve the puzzle by filling in one cell at a time using logical reasoning skills and elimination tactics. This means that many do not try out the arguably more advanced strategies, such as Y-Wings, despite the fact that they can enhance gameplay quite considerably by allowing you to fill in multiple cells at once.

Furthermore, this is a great way to present yourself with a significant challenge when playing!

Understanding Y-Wing Basics

The Y-Wing Strategy is known as an elimination technique because it helps to eliminate potential numbers from numerous cells at once. This means that you can solve the puzzle a lot quicker. Other elimination techniques include X-Wing and Swordfish Techniques.

To successfully execute the Y-Wing tactic, you should:

  1. Find three empty cells that could contain two of the same numbers based on the cells you’ve already filled out. These cells should form a Y shape if a line were drawn between them, meaning that one cell must share either a row or column with the other two, but not both. This cell is known as the Pivot.
  2. By figuring out which number goes in the Pivot cell (as it cannot contain the same number as cells on its row/diagonal), you can figure out which number goes in the other vacant cells, too.

Applying the Technique: Integrating with Other Strategies.

There are many different scenarios in which applying the Y-Wing technique can prove to be useful. For example, if you’re partway through your game but have a number of ‘potential’ numbers pencilled in for numerous cells, then this can help you narrow down your options.

This is also a move that many solvers will attempt to utilize when they feel stuck or as though they have reached a dead end when playing a game of Sudoku. This is because they are likely to try other, more basic techniques first, such as identifying naked pairs. If you aren’t familiar with the term, a naked pair is when two cells in a row/column/box have the same numerical candidates and no others - which means you can eliminate those numbers from other cells in the column.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing Suduko

Learning the common mistakes to avoid when playing Suduko can also prove useful when it comes to ensuring you can fill in the grid as quickly as possible, beating your best time while doing so.

The first and perhaps most contradictory step, given the objective of this article, is to take your time. Rushing to fill in cells as quickly as possible means that you are far more likely to make mistakes, such as by putting the incorrect numbers in cells. Remember, Sudoku is a game logic, and you must ensure that each of your guesses are well-reasoned to ensure accuracy.

If you’re playing online, a 15-second penalty will be applied each time you add an incorrect number to a cell. However, you can select the pencil option on the right-hand side of the screen, which will allow you to ‘pencil’ in potential numbers. Pencilling in potential numbers will make it easier for you to identify potential Y-Wings, as it is a little easier to identify three cells which could contain two of the same numbers.

If you are playing online at 247Suduko, pay close attention to the cells that are already locked in. For example, when you click on a number that has already been locked in, any matching numbers currently on the grid will be highlighted in green. This makes it a little easier for you to figure out where you can (and cannot) place the number moving forward, as you’ll know what restrictions to look out for on specific rows and columns. In many cases, this eliminates many potential vacancies.

Final Thoughts.

Sudoku puzzles are incredibly fun. They provide you with an opportunity to test your logical reasoning skills while also sharpening your focus levels. As such, they’re a great pastime for solvers of all ages, particularly older individuals who want to remain as sharp as possible.

Furthermore, while the rules are relatively simple, there are plenty of advanced strategies that you can deploy that will help you to fill out the puzzle as quickly as possible. This is great news if you’re trying to beat your best score (or time), as it means you’re filling in multiple cells at once as opposed to working through the puzzle one cell at a time. While there are many techniques that you can deploy at this time, one of the most effective is the Y-Wing. As outlined above, this is a complex process that is built around identifying a pivot cell and using this to figure out which numbers can fit into three different cells.

So, what are you waiting for? Try out the Y-Wing Strategy today at 24/7 Sudoku! Remember, the more time you spend playing, the easier it will be to develop your skills and become a more competent, skilful player.


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