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Hard 4th of July Sudoku

Oh say can you see! Its Hard 4th of July Sudoku! If you have been playing Medium 4th of July Sudoku and are ready for more of a challenge, you have come to the right place! Online sudoku meets its match with this version of the popular strategy game. Though Hard 4th of July Suduku is played like all easier sudoku games on the 4th of July Sudoku site, do not be fooled into thinking it is just as easy! None of the answers will be as easily evident at this level of sudoku!

If you are new to sudoku but not afraid of a real sudoku challenge, welcome! The rules of this free sudoku game are simple. Place the digits one to nine into all columns, rows, and 3x3 boxes on the sudoku board. However, in this puzzle game you can only place each digit once in each column, row, or 3x3 box. So, you can not have 2 threes in a column or 4 fives in a 3x3 box and so on. Remember, if you place the wrong number in the open box on the sudoku board, points will be added to your total.

To win Hard 4th of July Sudoku be ready to use more advanced techniques of pattern finding so that you can chip away at the many possibilities of numbers each block within the sudoku game may hold. Hints will be your best friend in this 4th of July Sudoku game so make sure to take advantage of the pencil in the bottom right corner of the Sudoku board to enable note taking. Good luck and who knows, once you beat the hundreds of hard sudoku games at 4th of July Sudoku you may be so good you find your way to the World Sudoku Championship!!

Sudoku Independence Day Game

  • Hard 4th of July Sudoku is the right game for you to satisfy your craving for a sudoku challenge!
  • Take advantage of the pencil in the bottom right corner of this strategy game so that you can take the notes that will lead you to victory!
  • There are hundreds of Hard 4th of July Suduku games for you to beat on your journey to the top - Expert 4th of July Sudoku!


DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.